Teaching with Technology

Technology can enhance teaching by simplifying instructional processes such as disseminating resources, communicating, and grading. Teaching with technology can also introduce new methods and processes to the classroom, such as collaborative writing and multimodal forms of visualization and presentation. A&S Learning Design and Technology works with faculty to use digital tools at any scale, from small-scale class activities to redesigns of courses and curricula. We research innovative new tools and evaluate their potential in meeting the needs of A&S faculty and students. We also work closely with UVA instructional technology partners and facilitate faculty access to the technical support they need. 

single cube

Podcast Studio

The Pod Studio is an audio and lightweight video recording studio. It is ideal for up to two people recording audio, or one person recording video. 

Captioning Audio & Video

Captions and transcripts are sometimes required, and always useful. Find out more about captioning and transcription for courses and events

Extended Reality (XR) Tools

Extended Reality (XR) includes Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). We have XR hardware and also support software prototyping for XR.
Woman wearing VR goggles