Extended Reality (XR) Tools
XR technologies include Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) hardware and software
What is XR?
Extended Reality (XR) encompasses the following:
- Virtual Reality (VR)
Definition: An experience of a totally virtual world, distinct from reality, using a VR headset.
Our hardware specs: HTC Vive, Vive Pro, Oculus Quest, Quest 2
- Augmented Reality (AR)
Definition: An experience of reality, but with additional information on a virtual layer, most commonly using smartphone cameras and screens.
- Mixed Reality (MR)
Definition: Mixed Reality combines Virtual Reality with reality, for a blended experience of dual realities.
Our hardware specs: Microsoft Hololens, Hololens 2
How is XR used in Education?
XR is primarily used for technical training and simulations, however we seek novel ways to use existing software as well as prototype new software for liberal arts education.
Readily-available XR technologies have only been available for the last decade; our thinking around these technologies for education is in its infancy.
How are XR and "Immersive Learning" Different?
XR and "Immersive" are often used the same way, but "Immersive Learning" does not require specific technologies (e.g. immersive language learning in a specific language community). In the context of XR technologies, we use the term "Immersive Learning" to encompass all types of learning that might use these technologies.
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