You and AI: Writing Instruction in the Age of Large Language Models
This project will focus on developing students’ AI literacy via ENWR 1510, the course that satisfies UVA’s universal writing requirement for first-year students. The institutional mandate of ENWR 1510 is to provide students with the skills they need to succeed at college-level writing. I hope to design a course around an admittedly provocative question: if generative AI models (ChatGPT, Bard, Gemini, etc.) can do an okay job of writing essays for us, why do we need writing courses? We’ll attempt to answer this overarching question by conducting experiments with generative AI models, and engaging in writing assignments that ask students to think reflexively and metacognitively about their own writing practices. In the end, I hope that students’ learning outcomes will include not only clear and confident college-level writing, but a broader sense of how writing serves us as human beings.