Generative AI and Academic Writing: Creating Modules for First Writing Requirement Courses
The Generative AI in Teaching and Learning Task Force and the UVA Center for Teaching Excellence have provided UVA instructors and students with effective guidance on institutional policy and helpful resources for teaching writing in a time of generative AI through workshops and resource guides ( […](…) ). Despite these efforts, there are yet to be available concrete examples of writing assignments, course readings, or course designs that engage with generative AI and that are specifically designed for UVA students/UVA courses. This project seeks to create a set of modules designed for use in UVA’s universal first-writing requirement (FWR) courses, administered by the Writing & Rhetoric Program (WRP) in the Department of English. The modules will be designed for my own FWR courses, building on a five-week unit I am piloting this semester in my Spring 2024 FWR course (ENWR 2510). But importantly, the modules will be made available and be designed to be adaptable across the roughly 165 sections of FWR offered each year. They will support instructors (English Department graduate students teach the majority of FWR courses) who are seeking to integrate AI into their course readings, discussions, and/or assignments at a variety of levels.