Maker Space Tools
Maker spaces give students a place to experiment, build, code, learn, and form communities. They can be used in classes explicitly, and also resonate with and enhance class work without an explicit connection.
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The tools in maker spaces fall into five categories: traditional hand tools, traditional power tools, digital fabrication tools, electrical circuitry tools, and fasteners (bolts, glues, etc.)
Traditional Hand Tools
Hammers, levels, pliers, and more. Whether you're building an epic project or just need a philips head screwdriver, we have what you need.
Traditional Power Tools
Drills, saws, Dremels, and more. Our spaces have many useful power tools, but we keep the very dangerous tools locked up.
Digital Fabrication Tools
3D printers, CNC routers, laser cutters, and more. These are the tools most often associated with a maker space. In addition to providing these tools, we have relationships with other spaces on grounds and can direct you towards the next level of many tools.
Electrical Circuitry Tools
Soldering irons, microprocessors, breadboards, and more. Use these tools to add logic and interaction to physical objects.
Bolts, glues, screws, and more. These tools are the true heart of the maker space. They connect objects together to form something new.