Science & Society (S&S) Course Co-Design Grant

The Office of Undergraduate Education and A&S Learning Design & Technology invite faculty proposals for the Science and Society (S&S) Co-Design Grant. 

The S&S Co-Design Grant aims to increase the availability and diversity of S&S-tagged courses available to our undergraduate students. Learn more about the Science and Society general education requirement. A secondary objective of the S&S Co-Design program is to encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration among A&S faculty of all ranks.

Deadline: March 5th (*extensions available by request. Please email Hope Fitzgerald (hf6v) by COB Friday March 7th indicating your expected topic and partner department.)  

About Co-Design

Given that many S&S topics are inherently cross-disciplinary, the S&S Co-Design program encourages collaboration across A&S departments; for this reason, courses supported by this award will be collaboratively designed by two faculty members working across divisional or departmental lines. Co-Design teams will consist of a primary faculty member, who will lead course development and commit to teaching the course, and a partner faculty member, who will bring subject matter expertise and unique disciplinary perspectives to the co-design process. 

Award Types

Co-Design grants are available to support: 

  • development of a new course to carry the S&S tag 

  • substantial redesign of an existing course to carry the S&S tag


  • All full time A&S faculty members with continuing appointments (including AGFM) are eligible to apply.

  • Faculty team members should hold appointments in separate departments or programs, with preference given to teams representing different academic divisions. 

Makeup of Faculty Co-Design Teams

  • Co-design teams will consist of the following:
    • a primary faculty member, who will lead course development in collaboration with a partner, and commit to teaching the course as outlined below
    • a partner faculty member, who will bring subject matter expertise and unique disciplinary perspectives to the co-design process
  • For assistance in identifying a co-design partner, please reach out to us at

Support Provided

Co-design team members will receive a salary supplement and course design support via A&S Learning Design & Technology. All co-design teams will be supported to explore and incorporate inclusive instructional strategies and course design principles, with a focus on active learning, transparency, and accessibility. 

  • Course Redesign: Primary faculty member $4000  / Partner faculty member $1500  
  • New Course Development: Primary Faculty member $8000  / Partner faculty member $2500

Successful co-design teams will join a cohort of faculty colleagues from across the College. Required cohort activities, facilitated by A&S Learning Design & Technology, will include a spring orientation, May and August in-person design labs, and feedback & course revision activities during and following the initial offering of the course.

Requirements of Departments

  • Courses will carry a mnemonic associated with the department or program of the lead faculty member. 

  • Courses should be offered at the undergraduate level with permanent numbers. Consult the UVA Course Numbering Scheme for additional information.

  • Courses must be approved by the CEPC before being taught.

  • The department chair of the lead faculty member should submit a brief letter to   stating

    • support for the proposal, and

    • commitment to offering the new S&S-tagged courses four times in the next eight spring/fall academic semesters.

Requirements of Funded Project Teams

  • Co-development of course and submission to CEPC

  • Regular check-ins with instructional design support

  • Participation in all required cohort activities (tentative timeline below)

How to Apply

Proposals are due March 5th and must include: 

  • Completed proposal form 
  • Brief letter of endorsement from Chair/Director of primary faculty member, sent to  
    • support for the proposal, and
    • commitment to offering the new S&S-tagged course four times in the next eight spring/fall academic semesters following CEPC approval
  • Note: Course Redesign proposals must include a digital copy of the existing syllabus of the course that will be redesigned, uploaded via the proposal form. 

*Extensions available on request. To request an extension, please email Hope Fitzgerald (hf6v) by COB Friday 3/7 indicating your expected topic and partner department. 

Timeline of Grant Activities



Feb 4

Open Call for Proposals 

March 5

Proposals Due (see extension information above)

Late March

Acceptance Notifications

April 16

Orientation lunch 12-1:45

May 14-16

Design Lab 1 (9:30-2:30pm daily)


design work continues

Aug 14

Design Lab 2 (9:30-2:30 pm) 

Fall 2025

Courses submitted to CEPC for spring approval

Spring 2026 

Ready & approved courses are offered

Late Spring 2026

Design & Reflection Lab (9:30-noon) 

Fall 2026

Ready & approved courses are offered 

Late Fall 2026

Design & Reflection Lab (9:30-noon)