Science & Society (S&S) Course Co-Design Grant
The Office of Undergraduate Education and A&S Learning Design & Technology invite faculty proposals for the Science and Society (S&S) Co-Design Grant.
The S&S Co-Design Grant aims to increase the availability and diversity of S&S-tagged courses available to our undergraduate students. Learn more about the Science and Society general education requirement. A secondary objective of the S&S Co-Design program is to encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration among A&S faculty of all ranks.
Deadline: March 5th (*extensions available by request. Please email Hope Fitzgerald (hf6v) by COB Friday March 7th indicating your expected topic and partner department.)
About Co-Design
Given that many S&S topics are inherently cross-disciplinary, the S&S Co-Design program encourages collaboration across A&S departments; for this reason, courses supported by this award will be collaboratively designed by two faculty members working across divisional or departmental lines. Co-Design teams will consist of a primary faculty member, who will lead course development and commit to teaching the course, and a partner faculty member, who will bring subject matter expertise and unique disciplinary perspectives to the co-design process.
Award Types
Co-Design grants are available to support:
development of a new course to carry the S&S tag
substantial redesign of an existing course to carry the S&S tag
All full time A&S faculty members with continuing appointments (including AGFM) are eligible to apply.
Faculty team members should hold appointments in separate departments or programs, with preference given to teams representing different academic divisions.
Makeup of Faculty Co-Design Teams
- Co-design teams will consist of the following:
- a primary faculty member, who will lead course development in collaboration with a partner, and commit to teaching the course as outlined below
- a partner faculty member, who will bring subject matter expertise and unique disciplinary perspectives to the co-design process
- For assistance in identifying a co-design partner, please reach out to us at
Support Provided
Co-design team members will receive a salary supplement and course design support via A&S Learning Design & Technology. All co-design teams will be supported to explore and incorporate inclusive instructional strategies and course design principles, with a focus on active learning, transparency, and accessibility.
- Course Redesign: Primary faculty member $4000 / Partner faculty member $1500
- New Course Development: Primary Faculty member $8000 / Partner faculty member $2500
Successful co-design teams will join a cohort of faculty colleagues from across the College. Required cohort activities, facilitated by A&S Learning Design & Technology, will include a spring orientation, May and August in-person design labs, and feedback & course revision activities during and following the initial offering of the course.
Requirements of Departments
Courses will carry a mnemonic associated with the department or program of the lead faculty member.
Courses should be offered at the undergraduate level with permanent numbers. Consult the UVA Course Numbering Scheme for additional information.
Courses must be approved by the CEPC before being taught.
The department chair of the lead faculty member should submit a brief letter to stating
support for the proposal, and
commitment to offering the new S&S-tagged courses four times in the next eight spring/fall academic semesters.
Requirements of Funded Project Teams
Co-development of course and submission to CEPC
Regular check-ins with instructional design support
Participation in all required cohort activities (tentative timeline below)
How to Apply
Proposals are due March 5th and must include:
- Completed proposal form
- Brief letter of endorsement from Chair/Director of primary faculty member, sent to
- support for the proposal, and
- commitment to offering the new S&S-tagged course four times in the next eight spring/fall academic semesters following CEPC approval
- Note: Course Redesign proposals must include a digital copy of the existing syllabus of the course that will be redesigned, uploaded via the proposal form.
*Extensions available on request. To request an extension, please email Hope Fitzgerald (hf6v) by COB Friday 3/7 indicating your expected topic and partner department.
Timeline of Grant Activities
Date |
Activity |
Feb 4 |
Open Call for Proposals |
March 5 |
Proposals Due (see extension information above) |
Late March |
Acceptance Notifications |
April 16 |
Orientation lunch 12-1:45 |
May 14-16 |
Design Lab 1 (9:30-2:30pm daily) |
June-July |
design work continues |
Aug 14 |
Design Lab 2 (9:30-2:30 pm) |
Fall 2025 |
Courses submitted to CEPC for spring approval |
Spring 2026 |
Ready & approved courses are offered |
Late Spring 2026 |
Design & Reflection Lab (9:30-noon) |
Fall 2026 |
Ready & approved courses are offered |
Late Fall 2026 |
Design & Reflection Lab (9:30-noon) |