Subtitling for Advanced Japanese Language Learners
"The aim of my proposed project is to incorporate the use of subtitling software into JAPN 4800: Lost and Found in Translation, a seminar focusing mostly on Japanese-English translations for fourth-year Japanese language students.
One of the biggest reasons that drives students to take up the study of a foreign language is the desire to enjoy films, television shows, and other audio-visual content from abroad without relying on subtitles. Many students studying Japanese consume a range of subtitled media—ranging from ‘fan-subbed’ works of anime to big-studio cinematic releases—and this helps to strengthen their linguistic abilities beyond their classroom studies. But most students have not yet tried their hand at creating their own subtitles and captions. I would like to introduce students to subtitling software, and then have them add their own subtitles to Japanese audio-visual content which have yet to be translated into English. As compared to translating a standard text, subtitling requires not only semantic accuracy but attention to factors like pithiness, nuance, and timing, the sum consideration of which will strengthen students’ core language abilities. Also, students will feel personally invested in this project since they will have the freedom to choose the video they will render into English. They will feel a clear sense of accomplishment upon completion of their assignments.
I have already spoken with a colleague in the Chinese program who is eager to launch a similar project should my proposal come to fruition. Other language classes for advanced learners too can benefit from this project. "