Return to the classroom: Importance of integrating interactive learning with Statistics and Programming
"The pandemic has both created new pedagogical challenges, and illuminated and exacerbated current challenges. Because of these challenges, both old and new, instructors have sometimes needed to adjust their current teaching style, and learn new ways to present and teach course material to students in order to minimize students’ reduction in understanding necessary topics and concepts. Many of these techniques that helped to maximize learning in a pandemic-addled classroom, such as interactive learning, are not only beneficial in the current pedagogical situation, but also in both a pre-pandemic and post-pandemic world.
One of the more well-known ways to create interactive resources in statistical courses is to use the markup syntax language of R markdown to create interactive documents and presentations. We thus plan to create these interactive presentations and implement them in at least two quantitative courses in the psychology department, in order to integrate interactive learning into these courses. The presentations will utilize multiple interactive components such as R shiny applets and mini-quizzes to maximize engagement and learning of the material in the courses.