Promoting Student Learning and Engagement in Introductory Statistics Labs using Problem Based Activities

This project seeks to integrate more problem-based learning into the lecture portion of Stat 2120. In alignment with AAC&U High Impact Practices (HIP), collaborative, problem-based activities and projects were developed and were designed to enhance student learning and engagement, as well as to encourage interaction between students and instructor. Students are assessed via pre- and post- activity quizzes.


Second Year of Funding

In this project's second year the faculty member and undergraduate students will develop videos that outline common misconceptions that students had with content in the course. Secondly re-design some of the previous activities and create and produce review videos for future semesters. The second part of this project is to design and develop additional problem-based learning into the lecture portion of STAT 2120, with a focus on using real-life case studies found in major news outlets.