Exploring OER for beginning, intermediate, and advanced level Spanish courses
With LTI funding, we will complete an initial exploratory phase of OER design and implementation in beginning, intermediate, and advanced level Spanish courses, with the end goal of reducing cost, improving learning outcomes, and addressing accessibility and inclusion for all learners. This exploratory phase will allow us to develop the expertise needed in areas like OER design, UDL, accessibility, copyright and fair use as well as to gather data from student and instructor groups on their experiences with and perspectives of current course textbooks and materials. This phase will lay the foundation for a multi-year project of OER design and piloting and will prepare our team to apply for further project funding through a VIVA Open Course Grant or FIPSE Open Textbooks Pilot Program Grant. This project will impact nine undergraduate courses, with a total of approximately 167 sections per year, and a total annual enrollment of approximately 2,970 students: the five courses in the required language sequence (SPAN 1010, 1020, 1060, 2010, and 2020), three advanced-level bridge courses for the major/minor (SPAN 3010, 3020, and 3030), and a new SPAN 3010 course designed for heritage Spanish speakers.