Creating an inclusive, sustainable culture of teaching innovation for introductory mathematics courses
The math department, in partnership with the Arts and Sciences Learning Design and Technology group, has made significant and substantive efforts to transform the teaching and learning experiences for students in the introductory Calculus sequence (1190, 1210, 1220, 1310, and 1320). This effort has resulted in smaller class sizes in the 1310/1320 sequence, utilization of a flipped approach to instruction and more active learning during class meetings. These changes generated improvements in DFW rates for all students, including first generation students and students from underrepresented (URM) groups. Conceptual understanding in differential calculus also increased. However significant gaps in performance still exist for first generation students and students from underrepresented groups compared to the majority population. This proposal seeks funding to build on existing transformation efforts by creating an inclusive culture of innovation in order to systematically address performance gaps with first generation students and students from underrepresented groups. We envision three important elements in this culture: A design team, a community of practice and an instructional development program and resources