How to hide a tool in UVACollab (and why you might want to)
UVACollab provides a wide range of tools to help you and your students stay organized and meet course objectives. Sometimes it may be helpful to hide one or more of these tools from students. The process of hiding a tool is simple and you can do it to as many tools as you would like.
Hiding a tool only removes it from the student access panel on the left of the UVACollab screen. You as the instructor will still be able to see the tool (it will be grayed-out), and students will be able to access the tool’s content via direct links.
Why would I want to hide a tool?
Some reasons you may want to hide a tool include:
- You need to access the tool, but you don’t want students to use it (such as Site Email).
- You want to reduce visual clutter for students in UVACollab.
- You want to reduce students’ cognitive load by hiding tools they don’t need.
- This is particularly helpful when using the Lessons tool. Instructors can house many course elements inside Lessons (assignments, tests, quizzes, outside tools such as VoiceThread and Gradescope, etc.). By hiding the assignments/test/VoiceThread tools, instructors can streamline the student experience and make it clear that these course elements should be accessed solely through Lessons.
How to hide a tool
Within Site Settings, select Tool Order. Hover over the gear icon next to the tool you would like to hide and select Make Tool Invisible to Students.
For more details on the process, see UVACollab’s documentation.