Assessment with ePortfolios
The most common way of using ePortfolios in any course is as a tool for student self-assessment. ePortfolios allow students to look back on the work they have done in a course and provide the instructor with their own documented, reflective, self-assessment. While a certain amount of time towards the end of a course needs to be allotted to ePortfolios, there is very little additional coursework involved. The main goal is for students to look back at what they have accomplished that semester and, in an evidence-based way, discuss the assessment of their own work.
Grading is completely flexible and up to the instructor. While some instructors may make ePortfolios optional, or give them minimal grading (pass/fail, for example), others may make the assignment a more substantial portion of, if not the whole, course grade.
When the ePortfolio is a substantial portion of the course grade, instructors need to develop an intentional and clearly articulated rubric tied to the objectives of the course. LDT can provide assistance with the technology behind ePortfolio construction as well as with the design and development of effective rubrics for assessment purposes.